Pink Martini’s Brilliant Landmark Debut Takes Long Island by Storm Large Can you touch the shape of a song? Can you taste crispness in the wind on a March evening? This is not a lesson in synesthesia. The answer, according to Pink Martini’s … Read More»
Voices in the Bow: Regina Carter’s Southern Comfort Warms Northern Clime
As every preacher knows, a whisper can garner more attention than a shout. In Grammars of Creation, George Steiner wrote that “The whispers of shared ecstasy are choral.” Violinist Regina Carter’s dynamic range begins at pianissimo and rises up in … Read More»
High Wire Hot Licks: Caravan of Thieves Steals into Port
“Mashup” is one term that’s been used to describe the eclectic sound of Caravan of Thieves (Facebook | Twitter), but what’s being mashed isn’t so obvious. The suggested appellation from the Thieves’ web site starts with “Gypsy Swinging Serenading … Read More»
Madame Blue Eyes Lands at Landmark: Judy Collins Lessons in 60’s Diplomacy
Review: Live Music Performance by Judy Collins at Landmark on Main Street You don’t choose the time or the place you’re brought into this world. Those choices were made by ancestors and by others. You can’t be blamed, thanked, or even asked about … Read More»
Renaissance Rises Up in First Landmark Appearance
Over the years, friends and fans of the progressive rock band Renaissance (@MysticAndMuse) likely offered many explanations as to why their favorite band labored in the shadow of more popular bands. Weak distribution? Publicity-starved genre? No … Read More»